Now Y2k Solution Web Hosting service in Delhi available, Because Delhi very developed city in India and also its capital city of India most of IT start-up came from the Delhi, Y2k Solution Offer complete hosting server solution in old Delhi and new Delhi with 24×7 Managed Support and multiple server solution category as per requirement. Y2k Solution available for the third party support like AWS, Google Cloud , Microsoft Azure and etc.  and y2k solution have Windows and Linux as per the system environment now book your server, SSL Certificate or any related hosting solution and get best performance server and grow your business and and high engagement by Y2ks Solution.

Our Service About Quality Not About Money.

Shared Hosting Delhi

Y2k Solution received so many request about the shared hosting in Delhi and this is possible because most of the website planer starting from the shared web hosting which is cheap and easy available with the backed panel service and easy host website by this most of the condition shared web hosting for the business profile or portfolio platform. and for this you need a domain and ready to live website and we are here, Y2ks Solution host your website and this is the beginning of your startup, shared hosting have so many features like SSL certificate , Hosting Available with panel. 

VPS Cloud Hosting Delhi

If you’re looking for VPS cloud hosting in Delhi , then you’re correct . Cloud hosting is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power source, without direct active managed management by the end user. Large clouds often have functions distributed over multiple locations, each location being a data center. Cloud has RAM , CORE and NVME SSD resources which are very reliable and most powerful and scalable and flexible and yes cloud server solutions are a very good base for the traffic based user.   

Dedicated Hosting Delhi

If you are looking for Dedicated Server Provider in Delhi then yes y2k solution offering dedicated server solution with the multiple choice based locations in the dedicated hosting y2k solution work  order base because it depends on the server resources availability. Dedicated architecture useful those places where the count of number of traffic defined and the dedicated server hosting collection of physical ram, core and network. Y2k Solution offering Dedicated server in multiple locations.